One of the reasons I do what I do is because it breaks my heart to witness a woman (or any human) deny their sparkle and incredible expertise. It is one of the most painful and upsetting things that as humans we do to ourselves.
In the past month, I have had more than a handful of women ask me how they can be more confident in their writing, in particular women who have a business that had the opportunity to benefit thousands of other humans in one way or another.
Not only that but they have this image of how their business should look based on old models built by an archaic society - this is not what the world needs.
It is time to F*CK THE RULES and find a new way to live and work with complete integrity and service to others, which includes shining a very bright light on yourself so those that need you, find you and the solution (you have) they really really need to move forward in their life or business too.
The root of all of this sabotage and doubt is ‘Self Belief’ and ‘Confidence’ because once you have these, are truly grounded in yourself and your mission, none of the other stuff holds you back because you are so sure of what you are doing you will find the way that works for you and the people you want to serve.
The choice to take the path of integrity, and ultimately delve into your inner world, maybe a little longer but the impact you make, the results you get for your people - well, they will be far greater, more life-changing to them individually and the ripple effects on the community around them, well that’s what we are talking about here - world-changing.
Whenever I act, write or serve and it comes from that part of me that is my truest self, the one that believes deep down in my bones, the one that pins her heart on her sleeve and shares all of her wisdom for the good of all - that is when my people arrive and I have the privilege of holding space for them to shine and grow.
You can do that too.
Belief is a muscle, it needs nourishment and exercise to get stronger. Practice, commitment to the long haul and trust, compassion and of course a dash of courage and a sprinkle of fairy dust is the way to have Big Faith by taking little leaps.
Take the leap, just make it a little one x