brave Ink


An 8-week take you by the hand adventure to explore your voice & BECOME brave WITH YOUR WORDS.

The most magical (and surprisingly delightful) writing class you’ll ever take.

This is for the ones who know they have a voice inside them but don’t know how to shape it or share it

The ones who know they’re meant for something more special in this life, they just haven’t discovered it yet

The ones who feel their personality is being kept in the shadows instead of shining.  

The ones who have so much to say, but the words get stuck in their throat or trapped in their fingertips.

The ones who listen to others say what they want to say and then kick themselves for not speaking up

The ones who want to find the words to reach people in deeper ways, but don’t know where to look. 

The ones who want to show up with their words but feel crippling fear when it comes to actually doing it. (This one feels especially shit.)

Brave Ink will help you with all of the above.

Because yes, Brave Ink is a writing class.

But it’s so much more than that


 Yes, it’ll show you how to:

  • Find + use your true voice (not the one you feel you “should” use when communicating on paper).

  • Develop your own unique writing style, whether it’s just for you or for others too.

  • Turn your experiences (even the most painful ones) into powerful words of wisdom that help others.

  • Take more risks with your writing so it gets noticed, remembered, and shared.

  • Explore and overcome your personal challenges through writing.

And it’ll also show you how to:

  • Speak up in rooms where you might have stayed silent previously.

  • Challenge perspectives and ideas of what’s possible for you and the wider world.

  • Question society and why things are the way they are — and be inspired to change it through your words.

  • Curate your own creative process so that getting into a “flow” state comes naturally. 

  • Feel comfortable + confident expressing yourself, making decisions, and being seen (whether on a page or on a stage).

It won’t show you how to:

  • Use “proper” grammar — correct spelling and punctuation is far less important than writing with freedom.

  • Write copy or marketing materials (though it can ABSOLUTELY improve any existing skills you have in these areas).

  • Get published online (though it can help…).


 who this class is for.


If curiosity is calling you to step into a more fully expressed version of yourself; because it’s too painful to stay quiet.

Maybe you’re looking for a class to help you explore the deeper, perhaps even darker parts of yourself so you can show up with more creativity and confidence in everyday life. 

Maybe you feel like you’re only scratching the surface of your potential and you want a collection of writing tools and creative experiences to help you get closer to the person you’re meant to be. 

Or maybe you’re a professional writer (or dream to be) and you want to brush up your skills so you can communicate in a way that connects on a deeper emotional level with your readers.  

Wherever you are on your writing journey, Brave Ink will take you by the hand and lead you to places inside yourself you didn’t know existed. And then it’ll lead you out a more capable human, a more creative vessel, and a more confident writer. In just 8 magical weeks. 

Here’s how. 


 Become a more creative & courageous writer through a delicious blend of mini-adventures, journaling techniques, daily rituals & writing exercises.  


You’re about to walk (or dance?) down a path of exploration, experimentation, experience, and expression. And while this unique online class is 8 weeks long, the transformations you go through will serve you for a lifetime. 

You don’t need to have journaled before, have a fancy notebook, or have a blog. All you need is the willingness to show up in this safe space and get a little braver day by day, all whilst being supported and guided in the most delightful way. 

This class will help you find your true voice and be brave enough to share it in whatever way you choose — be it with a personal notebook or the entire world. 

This class will crack you open

But you’ll soon see that your vulnerability is your greatest strength.


 Inside the class chapters.


I’ve gained confidence and found a way to communicate with integrity. There was a fair bit of soul searching and Sam truly encouraged us to look deeper at ourselves.
— Yvonne, Brave Ink Class


  • 8 weeks of carefully crafted chapters with over 40 inky adventures (aka lessons)

  • A Brave Inkers only community where you can discuss challenges, ink & connect

  • Fortnightly writing sessions where we gather online & hold space to write together (video on optional)

  • Weekly Q&A with answers direct from me

  • 1:1 Written feedback & support from me on one set-piece of ink

  • Your own 100+ page digital workbook to print or complete online

  • Lifetime Access to all current & future content




The online registration opens: 

Wednesday, 20th December 2023

Before class begins, you can prepare & plan yourself, get to know some of your fellow Brave Inkers in the community & read through the orientation notes.

We begin: 

Wednesday, 10th January 2024

Brave Ink is primarily a self-directed class, so although we have a weekly delivery schedule, you are not obliged to follow it; this is for you where YOU are at.

Any online community events are optional. You can, however, join us whenever your brave enables, or your heart desires.

To become a Brave Inker: 

Choose a payment option below. Once your payment is made, via PayPal, you will receive a confirmation email together with your orientation notes. 


I’m Sam, your slightly mad, slightly magical teacher, & I can promise you that taking a dip in the brave ink allows you to delve into the deepest part of yourself to find the brightest gems.


Writing has given me a unique space to explore privately all the things I want to say out loud. To understand what matters to me, what I want to say no to, let go of and decide what I definitely want to share in the outside world.

It has helped me communicate with people from a place of connection, truth and service that I had never previously assumed possible. To know there are other ways of reaching out and sharing, say something meaningful with compassion, without the need to receive or judge the outcome. It has helped me see fear in a new light.

I have got to know myself and unpeel the layers of conditioning that have suffocated my truth and silenced my voice. I am now stepping into my voice each day with new wisdom and strength.

It has enabled me to release my voice from my private space to confidently sharing it in the outside world.



kind words.

I wanted to explore my writing with someone to guide me along the way and increase my confidence in my writing ability. I also wanted to take a course just for me to have a project that I try to do as often as possible. I was amazed at how much I learned about myself as well as about writing. I realised that I have a voice, and I can use it through the power of the written word. I loved taking time out to read each lesson and to explore my thoughts.

I felt supported every step of the way! If I had a question, it was always quickly resolved, along with plenty of support and encouragement to keep moving forwards. I also loved exploring all the resources if i wanted to dive deeper into a specific area. I feel more confident about having a voice within my writing which is a great feeling. I also feel I can use this in my client work too which is another huge benefit.

One of the biggest takeaways, though, has been the power of daily journaling and how effective it is to do each day. I found myself saying, ‘I’m going to explore that through my writing!’

This class is - Creative, inspirational and enlightening.

It’s a writing course that explores both you and your writing with excellent guidance and support from Sam. I have already recommended it to several friends!

The experience has planted many ‘seeds’ that I am nurturing to see what grows. Thank you for creating such a great course and being a mentor to me xxxx
— Helen, Brave Ink Class
I came to Sam’s workshop just at the right time for me. It was when I was going through a big transformation in my life and was on the brink of making big changes in my life and career. Sam’s workshop was the reminder that I needed; to be brave, to allow myself to be more fully seen and just go for it. I left feeling inspired, courageous and a knowing that I needed to do what had niggled at me. Thank you Sam for the wonderful reminder of how powerful our personal stories are and how when we share them, it helps others feel less alone.
— Ismene, Owning & Telling Your Story Workshop