One of Dan's deepest desires is for true equality and fairness on Earth. He's passionate about bringing heart connection back to the world of business, respectful custodianship of mumma nature and to inspire meaningful change. Knowing that healing and change begin with the inner work and from there true transformation can happen.
Beyond chocolate (is there such a place!) Dan has been on an unfolding exploration of personal healing and growth for 2 decades. With his belief that the human body is a perfectly designed vehicle in which to experience this life, he's been working to heal and come back into alignment with himself. To use Dan's own words, "I'm in the best shape ever and there's more to come!"
Dan's journey has also lead him to be initiated as a New Warrior with the ManKind Project, connecting with fire and water through his training with sweat lodges, and through the lodge, his re-connection to this land is deepening and opening up.
Dan's mission is to bring change through connection to heart, nature, spirit and cacao.
To listen in on our conversation press play:
things we talk about in this episode:
Dan’s journey from cacao to ceremony
Twin Flames and Soul Mates
The danger of being a ‘typical bloke’ when it comes to mental health
Weaving your golden thread
Men’s Circles and Sweat Lodges
Sit Spots
Nature connection
Calls of spirit
Lucid Dreams
Trauma, Suicide and breakdown
Checking in on your men
the loss of initiation for young boys within community
Slowing down
links we mention in this episode:
Elements for Life Cacao Community - www.facebook.com/groups/EFLCacaoCommunity/
Dan & Paula’s website - www.elementsforlife.co.uk
The ManKind Project UK & Ireland - https://mankindprojectuki.org/
JourneymanUK - https://journeymanuk.org/