The Kind Living Salon’s ethos is very simple. Be Kind.

Be kind to oneself, to others and of course the planet.
— Lizzie Salter

And this is what I have come to expect from Lizzie Salter, founder of The Kind Living Salon as I have spent time with her over the last year, her inner wisdom and vast knowledge have astounded me and with her big heart, for me she epitomises how humans can create a kinder world, and I had to share her with you.

Lizzie’s turning point came in 2017 when she found it difficult to access a beauty/ holistic therapy space that she knew was 100% vegan, organic and eco-conscious. Which lead her to creating The Kind Living Salon.

For the past 3 years she has been working toward establishing a unique hub with an environment that is tranquil, peaceful and in line with the lifestyle choices of the practitioners and therapists that work there, yet deliver a high standard of relaxing, supportive and educational services for all.

Ethically luxurious, relaxing and restorative, its beauty wrapped in kindness.

As always the show notes and topics we cover and resources mentioned are listed below.

To listen in on our conversation press play below - enjoy!

Nothing is wrong with you - just something is not working.
— Lizzie Salter

things we talk about in this episode:

  • How Lizzie’s illnesses guided her to work differently

  • Learning to cook

  • Dropping perfectionism

  • Skin as an indicator

  • Her top three tips on being kind to your skin

  • How she likes to fill her day with kindness

  • Insight into creating a kind world

  • Oh, and a little on conspiracy theories!

links we mention in this episode:

The Kind Living Salon

The Kind Living Facebook Page

The Kind Living Facebook Group (request to join)

Pink & Green Skincare

ZAO Makeup

Mind Change by Heather McKean

Come Network With Me , Founded by Sarah Cook (A Bristol Business Network for Women)


How not to diet by Dr . Greger

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell

21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari

Tamsin Acheson (Business Coach)

Ellen Fisher

Jinti Fell

Power needs to be used in kindness.
— Lizzie Salter


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