It's been a weird few weeks...
Do you ever wonder why the shit hits the fan and then somehow a rainbow appears?
Gosh where did July come from?
This year has gone so fast and perhaps like me you're not exactly where you expected you would be, I was planning on being in Thailand on an epic adventure...but I realised it wasn't quite my time and it's certainly not the place I need to be in right now.
But it's ok, we get thrown a curve ball and we are steered toward other paths, and for very good reason.
Things haven't been that happy around here, my old man cat, Timothy decided he wasn't all that spritely any more and became quite poorly rapidly, and we had to say goodbye. I felt an enormous amount of guilt and gratefulness all at the same time. It pained me to think he may have been poorly for a while but had happily greeted us with cheer daily over the past few months as if nothing was wrong, and yet I feel completely grateful for the pleasure of having him as a part of our family, he did entertain us and give us cuddles after all. We all received great value from that.
It's a timely reminder that regardless of a persons smile on the outside, deep inside they may be feeling great pain, but choose to share happiness, in order to feel joy as a way to lighten the struggle they are in.
It's not the only learning I've been blessed with being reminded of lately, you see when things seem hard, painful or indeed a dent in your usually happy soul, there is always a rainbow at the end of the storm.
I've had some massive mountains to climb, but I'm here with a smile on my face and open to sharing what I've learnt in the hope that one of you out there needs to hear what I've got today so you can move on and regain your smile.
My rainbow this time came in the form of an overwhelming nudge to get in touch with a wonderful mentor who in the past I've shared my deep down story with, so she knows me really well and has had similar life experiences as me, so I'm guessing that's why I got the nudge, its what I needed to look at, what was inside of myself, already there bursting to get out!
I didn't expect what happened, and my god do I feel like a rainbow!
Depending where you are in your journey right now, helps you seek out what you need, even if you don't realise it. And a person may ask you a question one day and it means nothing and then ask you after you've been over a few more bumps, and boy does the answer to that question mean a whole lot more to you, and how your journey unfolds...
I've finally escaped my own shackles, and now I really want to help you do the same. I had this major revelation about who I am and how I can help you.
I didn't see it at first and then as I continued with my mentor and she saw deep into what I was really saying it smacked me right in the face, in an absolutely fabulous way.
My whole life I've been the Queen of Break Out, a maven of escape from the life un-lived, standing up and being the voice of the small person and perfectly designed to handle everything I've gone through. I'm more than qualified and equipped to mediate between the life you are living inside you right now to a place of really living.
And more importantly I want deep down in my soul to get you to your happy place, because I know how dark it can be when you're not.
As always thank you for being such an invaluable part of my life.
Sam x