It's the last day of 2015 and I'm on 0 energy - even if I wanted to do everything before the twelfth hour my body wouldn't let me and so I'll just need to allow and rest. Do you find you are constantly under pressure to do things a certain way or to push and push until you drop?

There are many ways that lead me to choosing 'my guiding word' each year. (A tradition of a couple of years initiated by the beautiful Susannah Conway)I use 'guiding' because I believe life takes me to what I need to make my next step.

So at the end of 2015, it truly did.

Based on my 10 things I learnt in 2015 blog post and my unruly ill health toward the end of 2015. I was leaning toward 'Balance' and 'Focus' for possible contenders to guide me through 2016.

Then a few things happened and thoughts fell into my brain (as they do when you are a creative).

I re-read my 10 things. I looked at all the that was holding me back in 2015 and how I was feeling into my instinct and intuition over the past year, something I had wanted to work on more, and I realised I still wasn't giving it air time.

Maybe I wasn't quite feeling it, or maybe there is more to it than that?

After years of feeling numb, and truly not knowing what my gut feeling felt like I had indeed just begun to feel what my soul was calling me too, what to trust and what to ignore, and move away from.

I was out with a few friends and we were talking about goals for 2016 and amongst other things our words for the year came up. As I was talking my gorgeous friend, Tiffany, stopped me and said 'All I can hear (and see on the box over there) is the word 'TRUST', as Tiffany is a highly intuitive goddess and I got that goosepimply kind of feeling, I knew.

I have to TRUST myself. TRUST the journey. TRUST my body. TRUST each step I take.

And so that is how I chose my guiding word for 2016.

Have you chosen your guiding word for 2016? What is it? And how did you arrive at it?

I would love to know...message me, or comment below, in Facebook etc.

In complete trust,

Sam OsbistonComment