Summer has never been my favourite time of year.It's Too hot. I hate putting work on hold and in past years I've felt like a packhorse!
This year I made a decision to have a beautiful summer...
There comes a point when you need to stop and realise that you are being a wally. I had got so caught up with all the problems of Summer I forgot to go with it and feel its love. Maybe you have done that too?
If so, try slowing down a little. As if you have put a film on slow motion. A gentle meander through the day. A little more time over lunch. Afternoon snooze or maybe an evening Al Fresco style.
This Summer there were some pretty big milestones, apart from me trekking Iceland, both my daughters had significant birthdays. One turning 16 and receiving her GCSE results and my eldest who is now 21 years old. Yes I've managed to survive parenting for 21 whole years! Woohoo!!
So I guess I must have been in a natural celebratory mood.
Making a decision, being determined, allowing and seeing what happens are extremely clever ways to take a step in changing a past story or limiting belief. Actually, I have found, it is the only way.
Easier said than done, right? I know when I think about it doesn't happen. If I just decide - it is easy.
Seeing the world with childlike wonder. Do you remember that feeling?
Being one of the kids over the Summer had some major benefits, we all grew out of some sticky comfort zones!
By the way this rose, OMG! Smelt as divine as it looks...and it took me back to creating potions in the garden as a little girl.
I really tuned into my senses this Summer. The whole going slow allows you to savour taste, texture and tales on the breeze. Those moments of sensory exploration will forever be embedded in my soul.
For the first time in forever I invested in a camera this year. Like a real proper one - hence the utterly delicious photos everywhere!
It's funny how taking the time to see a moment in all its glory enables you to capture so much more than a glimpse - a moment feels like a whole other world.
I can recommend a little photo walk (you can join me on one soon too!) just you and your smartphone (turn off notifications or put in flight mode) or a little camera and just sit in one spot for a while.
When you put all these things together - you get to see the magic.
The very act of slowing down, of noticing and capturing fills me with delight and I can feel this oozy goodness completing my souls calling.
Seeing the boys play together, laughing and running outdoors. Watching them grow literally before your eyes. The girls off doing there own thing, just calling in for chats and to renew resources. The adventures, exploring new places and re-experiencing childhood through the new experiences of my children - pure magic!
Here's to Sunshine in your pocket!
Lots of Love,