Taking time to journal daily has had an such an impact on my healing - and I had no idea it would when I first started. Sometimes you don't know what the best healing method is, you've just got to be open to trying it out and see what unfolds.

Today I'm doing something a little different and sharing a video I did last year, which is really relevant to this post, so watch the video below and then check out my 5 top tips for starting a journaling practice, see you in a mo...

In the video I share some tips to get started on your own journaling, but I thought I would share my top 5 tips here for you to take away:


Just start writing, anything.

On paper with a pencil, in notebook with your fave pen. Just write your name and see what follows.


Find a peaceful spot - that helps you feel at home, somewhere you are unlikely to be disturbed.


Do it in the morning - this will help you clear the clutter and support you to get on with your day.


KEEP IT SAFE, KEEP IT SECRET - This is your personal brain space, no one else will understand it, this is your safe space to put the pieces back together.


Have courage and be kind - patience is your best friend when it comes to trying anything out to help and support you on your healing journey. I recommend trying most things for at least 3 months, but all you have to think about right now is starting today.

Do you journal already? What is your biggest aha from journaling?

Would you like to ask more questions about starting journaling? Or anything about what challenges you have right now, or if you've got something celebrate I'd love to hear about that too.

As always pop your comment below x