I have a choice. Every day. To live in the now. To enjoy the childhoods of my children. Every single moment they invite me along to. To do my very best to love, give love and receive love, wholeheartedly.
To share the good, the bad and the ugly moments with my life partner (even when I don't agree with him!). We are all doing our very best with what we have and know. Tomorrow is an opportunity to learn more, grow more and love more.
Admittedly, the journey has been long, lonely (at times), and so very painful. It's stopped me in my tracks, it's made decisions from fear and doubt. Mostly, it has made me stronger, because I was already, most certainly, strong.
I'm still on the same journey. It started the day I was born. The views have changed. The landscape altered. The weather has thrown its weight round. People are different.
As nature is able to demonstrate resilience, strength and in all its adversities - rainbows after storms.
I do too. I was born strong. I was born wise. I was born beautiful. I was born to live a full life. I am all these things. I am nature. And I will thrive. I am. Every day is the right day. See. Smell. Listen. Feel.
Every little piece of magic that comes your way. I'm Catching Life - exploring every day magic. Because...