I wondered what it would be like to live my life bravely. To never hide, stop or pause when something felt too much for me.

But, every chance I got I’d squint and squirm and go back to the exact same spot. I thought “when I am brave…”

I will change the world in one fell swoop, and make those bulldozers do loop de loop. And dance a jig on stage with a hula hoop.

If I was brave I could climb a mountain, travel the seas and walk down the street with naked knees.

If I was brave what would I do? Would I change the world for the good of me, and you?

If I was brave I could ‘fight’ villains the ones that sit silently whispering in the ears of their victims “don’t tell anyone or I’ll…”

If I was brave I could spend my days using my Saviour status to protect the lands and animals from the greed and perceived need that ‘we’ (and I don’t mean that term collectively) need to sit at the top and be rulers of each and every piece of land to its utter destruction.

If I was brave would everyone be kind?

If I was brave could everyone still believe in magic and spread that instead of greed, hate and tragic?

When I am brave I will stand up to anyone.

When I am brave I will be kindly fierce and unstoppable.

When I am brave I will lead by strong values and won’t be swayed by gremlins declaring “it’s not safe, don’t go there you will only find despair”.

When I am brave I will value all of myself, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

When I am brave I will change the world - I can start with me and send magic ripples to cascade around the land ensuring those who need it will receive it.

When I am brave I will not be afraid to be me.

Now I am brave and I stand here about to take my first step.

I think for a moment about all the times I have stood here and sided with fear.

I thank fear for all the things that got me here, but today brave gets to choose whether we succeed or lose.

And either way, it doesn’t matter for each step I take is a bigger stake in who I am and can be.

Now that I am brave I can begin my life instead of merely looking at it on a page I can take myself to a new stage.

My god, I can even be on THE STAGE!

Now that I am brave I can see the world in real life and not just through the dreams I write.

Now I am brave I can make philanthropy a reality by helping people and trees who need to re-root.

Now that I am brave I can hold a space for you to join this brave journey too. I promise I will be there by your side even if you want to hide.

Now that I am brave I can get the right help for my son.

Now that I am brave I can choose the who, what, how, where and why.

Now that I am brave I can bring together the people who are here to ‘fight’ the invisible wars. I will create space for the magical, storytellers, carers and oracles.

A space to believe it is possible to do good work in this world and succeed.

Now that I am brave I see how we can all be brave too.

What would being brave look like for you?

Oh, I forgot to add…If I was brave I would write EVERY DAY and say what I had to say.

Now that I AM BRAVE I am writing daily as my heart speaks the ink falls onto the page and carries itself off into the world.

Now that I am BRAVE I talk about ALL the topics I have yearned to open up the conversation on, even when scared, to say what needs to be said with full integrity and respect for myself, to let others hear they are not alone but most importantly KNOW they are NOT ALONE.


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For when you feel like you have so much to say, but, the words get stuck in your mouth.


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