When things get overwhelming and busy you can find yourself going about your day like a deranged zombie who has completely forgotten herself, double whammy, there is no fairy godmother in sight. (like they're just in fairy tales, right?)

So, what do you do when all else fails?

I'll be completely honest, I have indeed been out of sorts for quite a while now, dotting about from one thing to another (deranged zombie x10 over here), plus I zone out and crave hibernation over winter, therefore, I haven't accomplished any of my goals or dreams in quite a while. Not good Sam.

It feels frustrating, extremely unfulfilling and to be honest draining beyond belief - Do you feel this way too?

The most important here is NOT to berate yourself as this will only lead to extreme balloon deflation - and that's no help at all.

In a past life, I helped small businesses and entrepreneurs with their productivity (I know hilarious) it was time to employ myself and delve into my toolbox so I could get myself back on track.

I realised I'd been scrolling way too much, with no purpose through my social media, staring aimlessly into space whilst wondering what to do first and scribbling everything down on a million different pieces of paper with no direction, flow or connection.


With thanks to Spring finally showing up here in the UK, I'm feeling a little more spritely and able to tackle my 'set back'.

The first thing I did was evaluate what wasn't serving me in my working day currently.

e.g. Scrolling, Staring and Scattering my brain.

Secondly, I thought about what I wanted more of in my working day.

e.g. Creativity, Action and Connection.

Thirdly, I analysed what really wasn't working.

e.g. not taking intentional action, use of time effectively and how I was planning my day.

What came up for me was not what I had been thinking:

"I never have enough time in the school day to do what I need to feel fulfilled."

It turned out to be:

I need to work fewer hours with a specific focus on the hours I do work.

Therefore, I created a new workday schedule which meant taking an hour in the morning to walk the school run, instead of drive, which gives me both time with my youngest boy and a nature hit (much-needed exercise) and to do this same walk at the end of the school day.

I have planned my work day to begin at 10 am. This gives me time to shower or journal or read and action emails beforehand.

The first two hours of my workday will now be solely focused on a creative project, currently, this is my new Online Course.

12 pm - Break for lunch.

In the afternoon (12.30 - 2.30 pm) the one and a half hours allocated will be spent on Social Media creation, engagement or scheduling with a specific intention e.g. to connect and build community or share my latest blog or course.

This leaves me with a potential 30 minutes to read and action emails or wash up the breakfast dishes! Before setting out to walk the school run.

It feels so good.

It is so simple to build this process into your life, just take a breath before you take a look.

I will say I have gotten to the point in my life that I have accepted a slow burn on success, but I do know many highly successful entrepreneurs pare down their week in order to achieve more.

My top tips for this 'Shorter Workday' are:

  • Make YOU the priority always

  • Evaluate what is not serving you right now (ditch or phase it out)

  • What would your ideal workday look and feel like?

  • Analyse the practical stuff - what really isn't working?

  • Face the reality of your results

  • Take action and create a new schedule to trial

  • If it doesn’t work repeat the process

  • If it does - fantabulous celebrate

Let me know how you go in the comments below.